Thursday, January 12, 2006

Back From Pittsburgh

It was with some trepidation that I accepted a workshop in Pittsburgh in January. Hey, I live in Florida! I don't have that many warm clothes and no boots! But the weather and the people were warm as can be. I taught an advanced beadmaking class at the Pittsburgh Glass Center and what a fantastic facility that is! WOW! Anything you want to know about glass can be learned there.

The flameworking studio is right on a busy Penn Avenue and covered with big windows. (That's the scene behind me as I am demonstrating in the photo above.) It is a well laid out space with roomy work stations with kilns at every seat. What a pleasure to hold a class there.

We covered hollows and sculptural beads mostly and of course, I had to throw in a little stringer control with some "hairy" filagrano! We also talked alot about creativity and how a piece of jewelry comes about. Several students brought in finished work and works in progress for me to give my two cents. I think everyone had a successful time.

We talked about my return to Pittsburgh in this year or the next to teach some PMC and some wirework. Stay tuned to my class schedule page for further details.