Monday, September 24, 2007

Call for Entries

Okay, here it is: TA DA! Lark Books has sent out the call for entries for the tome that I am authoring (is that a word?), Making Metal Clay Beads. Here is the link:

Please send in some great stuff to be included in the Gallery section.

I have been working hard to create some, in my humble opinion, kick butt projects for the book.

I have certainly been in a PMC mode lately. Got back a couple of weeks ago from teaching a lovely group of folks in PA. They turned out some great PMC/Champleve enameled pieces. And, I got to gorge myself on homegrown garden tomatoes--Oh Lord, they were good!

I am heading to Columbus OH next week for some more PMC workshops.

I have to get back to the torch and make 45 teacups and assorted teapots for a teapot show at the Morgan Gallery in Pittsburg. Yikes!!!!

I gotta go work! Now!